Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Support Your Local Pastor ( Heaven knows He Needs It )

Pete Drucker was a brilliant business innovator who has been largely given credit for the development of modern management theories and strategies.  His work has been universally lauded as responsible for the creation of modern business management.  He once took it upon himself to rank the most difficult management jobs in America and his top 4 at first glance seem to hold no surprises.  But much like the old Sesame Street ditty from my childhood, " One of these things is not like the other "...In no particular order, they are...
1. The President of the United States
2. University President
3. Hospital CEO
4. Wait for it.......Pastor

Pastor?!...How could this be true?  If you believe most of the people in my life, a pastor sets his own hours, does no heavy lifting and only works one day a week.  The most strenuous activity a pastor engages in involves flappin' his gums.  A friend recently told me that he had encountered someone who knew me from years ago.  When he discovered that I had become a pastor his response was " well, he oughta be good at that, he loves to talk!".  While that certainly validated that he did indeed know me, the pleasure I get from teaching has not insulated me from the hints of the difficulties to come.  And the statistics are alarming....

-70 % of pastors say that they do not have a close friend.  Does this ring true in my own life?  With only one year behind me, have I seen this condition begin to manifest itself within my life?...Sadly, yes.  I have seen too many pastors feel the sting of betrayal from those who used private conversations for some personal vendetta to not feel the pull to hide my flaws, my insecurities from the people in my life.  But the consequences of succumbing to that fear is isolation, loneliness.

-70 % of pastors said they have a lower self-image now than when they first started.  If I am honest, has this transformation begun within me? Well, it depends upon the day.  I have discovered that ministering to the sick and hurting is more difficult than I could have possibly known.  I have felt the shame of putting off a visit to the dying because I have no words of comfort that spring to my mind.  I have wept tears of guilt that I did not have the words to convince an unbeliever that his greatest need was Christ.  I am disgusted that the old sins of pride and self-centeredness  still rage within me.  But I am quicker now to weep before God, to look to him to meet my need to matter, to count for something.

-90 % of pastors say that the ministry was completely different than what they thought it would be like before they entered the ministry.  Well, in a word, yes.  The busyness of ministry has been a surprise.  Planning a Sunday service, coordinating a volunteer staff, vision setting, writing mission statements.  Planning message series, mass e-mailings and fliers, organizing youth outings, keeping financial accountability.  And then oftentimes, after praying, planning, long hours spent away from family, to be met with complaints about music, the length of the message...Yes, being in the ministry has been a bit different than I imagined.  But then to feel Gods Presence, His Spirit move amongst the body, to receive the hugs, the texts, the thank yous and encouragement as God uses me......I never could have envisioned such a thing.

- 40 % of pastors say that they have considered leaving the ministry within the last 3 months.  To this, I respond as Peter did to Jesus, " To whom would I go?!"...I have attempted life outside of Gods will, it didn't work.  The blessings that I have been given as I have given in to Him far outweigh any momentary inconvenience. I have thrown away my nets to follow Christ.  I will not return to pick them up again unless so directed by Him.

But what of my future in the ministry?  Again the statistics can give us pause

- 50 % of pastors feel so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if they could, but they have no other way to make a living.
- 45.5 % of pastors say that they've experienced depression to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry.
- 50 % of pastors starting out will not last 5 years.

Sadly, this results in an even greater tragedy, one that diminishes our impact upon the unbelieving world..

- Over 1700 pastors left the ministry every month last year.
- 4000 churches begin each year and 7000 churches close.

Pray for your pastors, lift up their families.  If we are indeed in the midst of spiritual warfare, then I can attest to the difficulty of standing on the front lines... The casualty rate in any battle is highest among those who stand in the front, leading the charge.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."  Ephesians 6:12


  1. Don.. "you've got a friend in me.. When the road looks rough ahead and your miles and miles from your nice warm bed, you just remember what your old pal said, you've got a friend in me" - Just in case you ever feel like you don't have a pal out there... You just remember me singing this quote from Randy Newman.

    Your last quote from Ephesians is one of my favorites. It is something I feel like I have been given a chance to grasp and understand just a little bit (At least with how it has impacted me). I seem to always be at battle inside. When I am in a better relationship with God and in harmony with the spirit, the good inside of me is on the offense. I find myself going out of my way to do good and purposefully trying to make wise decisions. The opposite is also true when I have become complacent, and let my guard down. When I do this, I essentially "turn the ball over" and evil takes up the offensive position and I find myself stumbling backwards in defense. Maybe even getting run over if I have completely lost my footing.

    I am sure you have found a much stronger need for daily prayer, reading, and time with your family now that you are a pastor. I know the "spiritual forces of wickedness" are always at work trying to disrupt marriage, family and fellowship. It's amazing what gets thrown at us... And if we don't know ourselves, who we are meant to be and what God has planned for us, sometimes we don't realize where evil forces might be slipping in. A little here, and a little there. Things as small as a negative thought can take a man down. Now that you are a pastor I am sure Satan will try to make you feel "unworthy" and will try to exploit an weaknesses you may have in order to make you stumble and second guess what you are doing.

    BUT... God is Good. :) Time and time again I have learned this. And if we do seek him and accept him, he will always be there.. Even through the darkest hour. I'm sure you and I both have examples of times we thought we couldn't feel worse or that we wouldn't make it through but we found it in ourselves to fall on our knees and things changed. There have been days where I didn't feel like I should be allowed through the church doors, but as I listened to you or Mark the doors to my heart swung wide open and God flew right in. I think you will have some of the best experiences of your life as a pastor, but I also believe that you will surely be tested at times. Which is why we will always pray for you :) And we always support you.

    I am glad I found this blog! I look forward to reading and commenting more. I'm going to leave you with another song drop that this conversation is reminding me of. I heard it years ago at a church camp, but I love the lyrics. Its called "stones in the river" by Doug walker. Talk to you later buddy.

    1. Thanks buddy...Love you guys. My life has been filled with blessings, not the least of which are the men whom I call friends!!

  2. i have been praying for u !!!!!!!! <3

    1. thank you Anna, I miss you very much and pray for you often!!
